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Library Twitter Feed - IST 613 Draft Rubric - Cliff Snellgrove

  Beginning Developing Exemplary Source
Number of followers People do not know it’s up yet:  few followers; numbers do not change. As words gets around, an increase in followers is seen:  followers are added every day:
> 100
Users frequently go to the Twitter site to keep up with news and events: > 300 Twitter (stats)
Number of Tweets One tweet per day or few days to begin; library is still deciding the exact content to post One tweet per day; library begins to post  certain information or events regularly More than one tweet per day; Twitter (stats)
Number of #hashtags about the library Minimal to zero hashtags directly related to the library More hashtags (1 or 2 during events or annoucnements) relevant to events and information specific to the library emerge as followers and tweets increase proportionally More than 5 during events.  Stats show increase in usage of specific hashtag. Hashtag.org (stats)
User satisfaction Unknown or neutral More students begin to see how useful Twitter is in the library
Satisfaction with posts and being able to keep up with events and annoucements Focus groups
Formal survey
Library attendance Attendance to events/foot traffic does not change As more people follow Twitter and receive event tweets and other information, general numbers increase 10-15% With a large number of Twitter followers, numbers increase more than 15% Attendance numbers