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Law Library Homepage Redesign - IST 613 Draft Rubric - Loreen Peritz

 Indicators Beginning Developing Exemplary  Data Source
Scholarly Publications  After redesigned homepage goes live, homepage users report no increase in the production of scholarly works After redesigned homepage goes live, homepage users report less than a 10% increase in the production of scholarly works After redesigned homepage goes live, homepage users report an increase of 10% or more in the production of scholarly works Homepage user survey
Legal Research Homepage users report no increase in the speed of legal research Homepage users report a less than 25% increase in the speed of legal research  Homepage users report a 25% or more  increase in the speed of legal research Comparative homepage user surveys
Library Information Less than 75% of homepage users find the library information they seek Between  75% - 99% of homepage users find the library information they seek 100% of homepage users find the library information they seek 

Homepage user survey