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Library Instructional Programs - iSchool Student - Heidi Webb and Margaret Backus

Indicator / Competency Developing Proficient Accomplished Data Source
Users employable search terms (outcome 1.4) Search queries are made using natural language—they contain stop words and make no effort to use logic linking keywords. Search queries use keywords regularly.
User employs “Advanced Search” or uses Boolean logic to link terms in query
Users use keywords and Boolean logic, and examine best matches in results for controlled vocabulary Think-alouds and other observations.
Maybe fixed choice tests.
Users provide relevance feedback to retrieve appropriate types and formats of information (outcome 1.3) Users do not modify search query nor apply limits based on search results. Users evaluate the effectiveness of a search by using results to modify search terms, but do not explore options for limiters. Users examine search results and modify search terms accordingly, and they demonstrate ability to limit by format, by year, by peer-review, etc. Think-alouds and other observations.
Maybe fixed choice tests.
Users vet Websites (Outcome 1.7) Users cut and paste from Websites before they appear to examine it. Users claim to examine a Website for reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, cultural context, and/or bias, but make no cross-references.  Users examine and compare information from various Web sources to evaluate reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, cultural context, and bias.  Think-alouds and other observations.
Maybe fixed choice tests.
Users Obtaining Outside Sources (outcome 1.5) Less than half the eligible campus community has registered for ILLiad. Between 50% and 75% of campus has an ILLiad account OR, of the current registrants, more than half are active borrowers. 75% or more of campus has created an ILLiad account, and half of all registrants make at least one ILL request per academic year. Internal Records
Collaborative Activities (Outcome 3.1) Instruction involves no group or collaborative activities. Instruction involves group work but activities do not facilitate collaboration within and/or among groups. Instruction facilitates collaborative group activities. Survey (Questions 8, 11), Lesson Plans
Evaluation Only casual observations are used as a basis for decisions. One or two methods of assessment are used to inform internal decisions. Three or more methods of assessment are used to inform internal decisions in the library and to communicate to external stakeholders. Documented Observation
Collaborative Outreach (Outcome 2.3) Librarians teach some classes outside the library when groups request instruction. Librarians actively seek out groups on campus to instruct as well as taking instruction requests.
Librarians actively seek out and collaborate with various groups on campus to design integrated classes well as taking instruction requests. Internal Instruction Records
Variety of Classes Offers two or fewer non-course integrated classes, with no more in development. Offers two or fewer non-course integrated classes, but has others in development, aligned with results of outcome assessments. Offers at least two non-course integrated classes, which are actively assessed for relevance and quality, and other classes are being developed in alignment with results of outcome assessments. Internal Records
Relevance (indicated by participants' feedback)
Outcomes 2.4, 3.2, 3.3
Ratings from users' evaluations rank below neutral, on average. Ratings from users' evaluations hover around neutral, on average. Ratings from users' evaluations rank consistently in the "good" or "very good" range. Internal Data – Evaluation Forms
Relevance (indicated by attendance)
Outcomes 2.4, 3.2, 3.3
Attendance at non-course integrated sessions is inconsistent, with anywhere from zero to five people showing up per session. Attendance is consistent, though relatively low with an average of five per session. Non-course related instruction predictably will have no less 8 people show up for a session. Internal attendance records
Internal Professional Development
(Outcome 2.1)
Librarians seek input from professional organizations via the internet when needed. Librarians attend 1-2 external conferences / learning opportunities a year and seek input via the internet when needed. Librarians attend 2 or more external conferences / learning opportunities a year, seek input via the internet when appropriate, and participate in regular internal training sessions. Internal Records