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Web Resources for Improved Genealogy Research - IST 613 Draft Rubric - Beth Zani

Indicators Beginning Developing Exemplary Data Source
 Workshop Attendance  # of patrons is equal or less after program launch # of patrons shows small to steady increases  # of patrons show steady to high increases (50%+) Observation, Attendance logs
Patron satisfaction with monthly workshops Less than 10% of participants find the workshops helpful 10-50% of participants find the workshops helpful 50-75% of participants find the workshops helpful Exit interviews, Follow-up survey
Patron satisfaction with Ancestry.com & other web resource features
Less than 10% of participants find web resources useful for genealogy research 10-49% of participants find web resources useful for genealogy research 50% or more patrons find web resources useful for genealogy research Follow-up survey, Staff consulation
Wireless Network Satisfaction Less than 10% of participants rate network reliability at a 7 or above 10-49% of participants rate network reliability at a 7 or above 50% or more patrons rate network reliability at a 7 or above Usage statistics
Interest in other research projects -beyond genealogy Less than 10% of participants report interest in extended research 10-25% of participants report interest in extended research More than 25% of participants report interest in extended research Follow-up survey; Enrollment logs
New  Members
-within calendar year
Less than 10% growth 10-25%
Newsletter Requests; Library membership records