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Serials Collection New Study Space - IST 613 Draft Rubric - Danielle Miller

Indicators Beginning Developing Exemplary Data Source
 Accessibility of   Journals Most of the patrons do not find the journals that they need in print or digital format.  50% of patrons complain about not being able to find the journals that they need in print or digital format. Nearly all patrons are able to find the journal articles that they need. Usage Statistics and observations by library staff
 Study Space Use 0-25% of the study space is being used by students during peak library hours.  25-50% of the study space is used by patrons during peak library hours. 50-100% of the study space is being used by patrons during peak library hours. Observations by library staff
 Comfort  Patrons report that the furniture is “very uncomfortable.”  Patrons report the comfort level of the furniture as being, “mediocre.” Patrons report that the furniture is “very comfortable.”  Survey and focus group of study space users
 Noise Levels  High levels of noise in the group study area disturb other patrons and cause a high number of complaints. Occasional complaints are reported about the noise level in the group study area. No complaints are reported about noise levels in the group study area.  Complaints documented by library staff
 Student Success  Students who study in the space receive poor or failing grades in classes.  Students who study in the space receive mediocre grades (Cs) in their classes.  Students who study in the space receive “As” in their classes.  Survey of study space users