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Fulton-Montgomery Community College Information Literacy Rubric

Fulton-Montgomery Community College Information Literacy Rubric (2012)
Influenced and adopted from:
Southern Oregon Information Literacy Rubric
Information Literacy - University of Kentucky

Student is... Developing Competent Proficient
1. Determining the need for information:At what level does the student focus the project and determine the adequacy of resources for its successful completion? a) difficulty defining the scope of the research questions or thesis (broad/narrow) b) difficulty determining key concepts and descriptors c) does not articulate key concepts a) adequately defines the scope of the research question or thesis  and show promise toward completion b) determines some/most of the key concepts and descriptors c) articulates key concepts adequately a) completely defines the scope of the research question or thesis  b) determines key concepts and descriptors c) articulates key concepts thoroughly
2. Accessing information sources: At what level does the student access information sources pertaining to the topic? a) accesses information using random search strategies b) accesses limited information from scholarly sources c) difficulty refining search to locate needed information  a) accesses information using simple search strategies b) accesses sufficient information from scholarly sources c) recognizes and employs strategies to refine search results  a)  accesses information using well-defined and advanced search strategies b accesses scholarly sources from appropriate resources c) reformulates and re-designs search strategy for multiple resources 
3. Evaluating information sources: At what level does the student include high quality, highly relevant information sources in their project? applies limited evaluative criteria (ASPECT)  applies some evaluative criteria (ASPECT) applies high-level, subject-specific evaluative criteria (ASPECT+)
4. Using appropriate information: At what level does the student succinctly balance original thoughts with retrieved information to complete the project as assigned? a) shows an emerging awareness of own assumptions b) begins to identify some contexts when presenting a position a) identifies and questions own and others' assumptions b) identifies and finds relevant context when presenting position a) carefully compares and contrasts own and other's assumptions b) understands and implements relevant context when presenting position
5. Ethically and Legally Integrating Information Sources: At what level does the student demonstrate knowledge of or follow the required/ recommended citation protocols or conventions? a)broadly  distinguishes between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution  b) includes few end-of-text and in-text citations and references c)  does not follow style guide conventions  a) distinguishes between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution b) includes some  end-of-text and corresponding in-text citations and references c) follows style guide conventions with errors a) clearly distinguishes between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution  b) includes end-of-text and in-text corresponding citations and references  c) follows style guide conventions correctly d) paraphrases, summarizes, and quotes appropriately.
6. Competent in Personal Computing: The student fulfills the technology requirements/ expectations for this project. (e.g. personal computing usage; navigating digital environments; multimedia project components; web-based technologies, etc.) No Yes