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Locate, Evaluate, & Use Information - Institution #7

Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
1. Identifies Relevant Sources Does not identify sources Identifies sources that are either inappropriate for information needs or not subject-specific Identifies sources that are appropriate for information needs, but are not subject-specific Identifies sources that are appropriate for information needs, and are subject-specific
2. Uses Relevant and Effective Search Techniques Does not provide search terms or techniques Uses topic-inappropriate keywords and/or uses search techniques inappropriately  and/or uses natural language Uses topic-appropriate keywords but does not use other search techniques:

• Boolean operators: and, or, not
• Phrase searching: “”
• Truncation: *
• Nesting: ()
Uses topic-appropriate keywords and uses search techniques:

• Boolean operators: and, or, not
• Phrase searching: “”
• Truncation: *
• Nesting: ()
3. Identifies Indicators of Authority in Scholarly Sources Does not identify any indicators Identifies indicators that do not apply to scholarly sources Identifies indicators that apply to both scholarly and other types of sources Identifies indicators that apply only to scholarly sources
4.  Identifies Key Concepts in Text Does not identify any concepts  in text Identifies concepts that are    irrelevant to topic or not present in original text Identifies some  topic-relevant concepts or does not present them in a way that is true to the original context Identifies all topic-relevant concepts and presents them in a way that is true to original context