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Audiobooks - iSchool Students - Laura Deal and Amy Discenza

Indicators Beginning Developing Exemplary
Circulation Stats Circulation numbers remain low, with less than 15 OverDrive files being checked out per month and no MP3 players being borrowed. Playaways are borrowed in limited numbers. Circulation increases, with less than 30 OverDrive files being checked out per month and several MP3 players borrowed at a time. Playaway checkouts increase. Over 30 OverDrive files are checked out per month, and the MP3 players are continually circulating with constant holds. Playaway checkouts remain strong.
Staff Technology Comfort Staff members have not yet had digital audio training and are likely uncomfortable assisting patrons with it. Most staff members have received digital audio training and are reasonably comfortable assisting patrons. They can also recommend OverDrive titles to patrons if asked. All staff members have received digital audio training and are comfortable assisting patrons. Staff members recommend OverDrive titles to patrons and suggest they try borrowing library MP3 players. 
Patron Technology
Patrons are aware of the library’s digital audio services but unfamiliar with the technology and reluctant to try using it. Patrons are aware of the library’s digital audio services and take technology-training sessions to learn more about them. Patrons are aware of the library’s digital audio services and comfortable with the technology involved. They regularly use OverDrive and borrow MP3 players.
Digital Catalog Class Participation Most patrons are not aware that the library offers digital catalog classes and attendance is limited, less than 3 patrons per session. The marketing campaign raises awareness of both digital audio services and the digital catalog classes. Attendance is between 4 to 7 patrons per session. Most patrons are aware that the library offers digital catalog classes and attendance is strong, usually more than 8 patrons per session.
Increase in New Users There is no increase in new users from one year to another. There is a slight increase in new users from one year to another (less than 20%) There is a noticeable increase in new users from one year to another (more than 20%)
Patron Satisfaction/View Library as hi-tech Patrons do not view the library as high-tech and possessing the latest technology. They are dissatisfied with its technology services. Patrons view the library as somewhat high-tech, with some of the latest technology. They are reasonably satisfied with its technology services. Patrons view the library as high-tech and possessing the latest technology. They are very satisfied with its technology services.
MP3 Player Circulation Very few MP3 players are borrowed each month (less than 5), 50% of patrons are aware that the library offers this service. 5 to 15 MP3 players are borrowed each month, less than 90% of patrons are aware that the library offers this service. All 20 MP3 players are borrowed each month and over 90% of patrons are aware that the library offers this service.
Download Station Traffic Very few patrons use the download station (less than 5 per week). Most of them are unaware that it exists. Some patrons use the download station (more than 5 per week). Some of them are aware that it exists. New signs are posted to direct their attention to it. Many patrons use the download station (more than 10 per week). All of them are aware that it exists.