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Information Literacy - University of Kentucky

Defines the extent of the information needed Does not define the scope of the research question or thesis.
Does not articulate key concepts. 
Defines the scope of the research question incompletely.
Articulates key concepts incompletely.
Defines the scope of the research question adequately.
Articulates key concepts adequately.
Defines scope of research question or thesis completely.
Articulates key concepts thoroughly.
Constructs effective research strategy Accesses information with no clearly defined search strategy.
Accesses information using simple search strategy (few or limited terms).
Accesses information using multiple search strategies (e.g. key words, synonyms, subjects).
Accesses information using a variety of search strategies (e.g. keywords, synonyms, subjects and operators)
Refines search based on results.
Identifies and selects relevant information sources (e.g. database, catalog, search tool, etc.) Identifies information sources unrelated to the information need.

Identifies information sources that are partially related to the information need.
Identifies information sources that are related to the information need.
Identifies information sources which comprehensively address the information need.
Evaluates information effectively (e.g. article, book, website, etc.)
Does not apply evaluative criteria. Applies limited evaluative criteria (e.g. authority, accuracy,  relevance, bias, currency)
Articulates key concepts incompletely.
Applies some but not all of the evaluative criteria (e.g. authority, accuracy,  relevance, bias, currency)
Articulates key concepts adequately.

Applies high-level, subject-specific evaluative criteria (e.g. authority, accuracy,  relevance, bias, currency)
Articulates key concepts thoroughly.